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  • Cheapest Prices Search Engine� helps you shop smarter. Unique helpful shopping service enables consumers to effortlessly compare products, prices and merchants and access in-depth consumer reviews and ratings to make smart buying decisions.

    Cheapest Prices Search Engine� goes beyond product search and offers help on what to buy and where to buy information:

    Be General

    Our search engine is designed to help you zero in on what you want, even without a specific search term. Your best bet is to enter a fairly general term and/or just the most important words (e.g., "digital camera" or "Sony") and then click the specific links in the initial results to zero in on the right product. Entering overly specific search terms (e.g., "Sony Mavica M100 digital camera with extra memory cards and carrying strap") will not tend to generate the best results.

    Check Spelling

    Typos are the most common reason for unsatisfactory search results. If you are not sure how to spell a product or brand name (e.g., "Satellite Receiver" or "Minolta"), try a more general term (e.g., "digital" or "TV") and use the product or brand links in your initial results to select the correct match.

    Search All of the Categories

    To ensure that you get the most possible results from your search, you should select "All Categories" from the dropdown menu below the search box. Even if you think you know which category a product would be found in, it's often best to search the whole site and narrow down to the right category with the links in your initial results.

    Don't Use "And" or "Or"

    Our search engine does not recognize "and" or "or" as search terms. If you want to combine multiple terms into a single search, just type all of the words into the search box (e.g., use "TV VCR" instead of "TV and VCR").

    Don't Use Punctuation or Symbols

    Avoid using anything other than words in your search terms. Punctuation and symbols (e.g., ?, !, &, @ or $) will tend to generate bad search results. For a brand or product that has punctuation or a symbol in its name, just use the words (e.g., use "Dolce Gabbana" instead of "Dolce & Gabbana"). Also, Don't put quotation marks in your search terms, as the search engine will not recognize them.

    Don't Use Abbreviations or Nicknames

    Because our search engine only recognizes the manufacturer-designated name for a product, do not use abbreviations, nicknames or slang words to search for an item (e.g., use "digital camera" instead of "dig cam").

    Don't Run Words Together

    If you are searching for a product with a multiple-word name, make sure to include a space between each word (e.g., use "digital camera" instead of "digitalcamera").

    Don't Enter URLs/Web Addresses

    Avoid using Web addresses (e.g., "") as search terms. Only use product-based keywords, such as the brand or product name (e.g., "Sony" or "digital camera").

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